We came up with three QUICK and EASY things you can implement right now into your cyber skills. These tips will help you maintain cyber security for yourself and your business. Also they will improve your productivity. Don’t let technology be a complication to your business, let it be a benefit.

One way that you can be sure that your network is safe from any outside or internal threats is to change your password often.
You also don’t want the SAME password for every account. Think about it this way: You don’t want your Netflix password (something you might readily share with friends and family) to be the same as your banking login.
A few more general rules of thumb:
- Make sure your password doesn’t contain your name, or the business name
- Make sure to use special characters (ex.?,!,%,$,&)
- Keep your password long enough so its difficult to guess (8-10 Characters).
Bonus Tip: Remembering your consistently changed password is hard, we get it. We recommend something like: Last Pass or Dashlane to store your passwords.
One more thing, you should always have two separate wi-fi names for your network (ex. Joes Coffee WIFI/ Joes Coffee Public WIFI). This step will ensure that anyone who wants to be connected to your network, can connect only to your guest network and not to everything related to your business. Both Wi-Fi networks should be password protected to make sure that anyone who you do not want on the Wi-Fi, cannot get on it.

The age-old question: Are all of my files being backed up every day?
Hundreds of businesses, day in and day out will lose their data because life threw them a “curveball”. According to FEMA, 43 percent of small businesses never reopen their doors after a catastrophic data loss. How many days of data could your business lose?
A personal cloud backup service, such as Carbonite can ensure that your PC would be able to recover all of the files that would have been otherwise lost. For just less than $50 a month, you can pick and choose, when and how many of your files are backed up. One drawback of Carbonite, is that it does not prepare your business for a full disaster recovery- but that is where Straight Edge Technology comes in.

Is remote access worth it? Can my business thrive when people are not coming into work? These are two of the biggest questions in all of business (and tech) today.
The answer to these questions is “Yes!” Remote access can be a huge positive addition to your business. Not only does it make it easier for the employee to have their work at all times, but it also saves the business owner, a ton of money.
After investing in the technology for remote access you will notice that overall productivity increases. You have given your employees an added benefit and increased quality of work to their lives. They can now work efficiently from any location. It’s a win for everyone.
Before making the transition, you should always talk to your IT Company about all of the options regarding remote access so that they can provide you with the best solution to fit your needs.
So the next step for you to do now is implement these strategies into the technology you use daily! Contact Straight Edge Technology if you would like a personal evaluation of what IT Services would benefit your business.